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Your image was succesfully uploaded and now we ask that you provide both an image title and description since this will be indexed in your gallery and/or the club this is posted in. Ignoring this step will cancel the upload process. If you delete the image from the editor, it will still remain in your image gallery.
August 18, 2022 - Another mega update, big changes to image upload and clubs - Jappleng Forums
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August 18, 2022 - Another mega update, big changes to image upload and clubs - Jappleng Forums
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August 18, 2022 - Another mega update, big changes to image upload and clubs
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Retro Heart August 18, 2022 - Another mega update, big changes to image upload and clubs
Posted 617 days ago... Menu Button

Jappleng Weekly Update

Good day everyone! I have provided yet another mega update just days after the previous one. On a roll right?? This time I took the time to polish the Gallery system so that it is possible to upload images with ease. You'll notice also that the filename is taken apart and put automatically in the description. If it's an animated gif, it will also type in “animated gif” as a keyword. The legacy upload system is almost completely gone. Currently only the J-Spot banner, Clubs banner and avatar upload are the only things left that uses it. This will be changed in the coming updates.

Big Changes in summary:

  1. New Modal system is being introduced. This is a dialog popup that confirms things or informs the user that something succeeded or went wrong. Currently implemented in some club elements.
  2. Clubs are now permitted to use the applicant approval system. This will bring up a module on the right side of the screen to approve or deny applicants. Mobile users cannot use this yet as their screen is too small. A dedicated page will be made in the near-future.
  3. The new image upload system has been updated, allows for an image preview and automatically inserts keywords based on the filename for your convenience. (You can delete the keywords if you prefer).
  4. The new image upload system has been integrated throughout the site.
  5. Pagination system has been fixed for Club galleries and implemented for Personal galleries
  6. Club Treasury points can now be earned through club participation and the treasury page can now be accessed
  7. Resolved a significant amount of bugs and made visual improvements throughout the site.


Big Changes in Detail:


  1. New modal which is what prompts users about the success/failure of an action has been partially implemented. 42 Modal actions have been prepared as well.
  2. Resolved issue where "site announcement" would briefly appear at the top of the page then disappear


  1. Resolved issues relating to joining and leaving clubs
  2. Implemented new modal system for joining and leaving clubs
  3. Club admin page "invite only" has been removed as an option
  4. Club admin page "open for all" and "approval needed" has been resolved so it remembers which one it saved
  5. Extra details added under club features during club creation to help people decide what features to enable.
  6. Added new module to see who is pending approval for clubs
  7. Added ability to APPROVE and DENY people from applying to club. denying permanently blocks them from trying again (ban). This will be reversable in the user ban manager.
  8. Resolved issue where replying to a thread or posting a new thread in the club forums would set the "last activity" to 0, making it seem like the club hasn't been active, ever.
  9. Added club points when users reply or create new forum threads
  10. Resolved issue where club data wasn't updated upon new forum thread creation
  11. Club Treasury page was added, accessible using the club menu (Doesn't really do anything yet)
  12. Club wiki editor has its editor body's height adjusted. It was just single line for new edits.
Action Treasury Points recieved
New Forum Thread 20
Forum Thread Reply 5
Add Image to Album 5
Create Poll 10
Vote on a Poll 2
Join Club 50

Notice: Deleting posts / leaving club will deduct the amount from the treasury. Meaning you cannot just create new content and delete it for infinite treasury funds.

J-Spot Social

  1. Resolved issue where voting on a poll would display the creation date of the poll, rather than the time the user voted on it

Gallery (Both Clubs and Private)

  1. Resolved issue where clicking on a title or description would not make the default text disappear
  2. When uploading an image using the legacy upload system, it now automatically adds a description based on the image that is being uploaded. It uses the keywords from the image and also detects if it's a gif and if it is, it adds "animated gif" in the description. Please be sure to add more descriptors and a title.
  3. NEW: After updating the legacy image upload system i decided to do away with it and use the new one. Now uploads will be done using the file upload system rather than base64 which is generally better. The process means less bandwidth on your end and a much faster response! Thumbnails are no longer manually adjusted but are done automatically.
  4. Added an error clause so that the user understands when an error occurs and how to fix it. ie: image is too large. The clause existed before but wasn't fully functional causing confusion
  5. Resolved issue where webp images weren't detected correctly during upload
  6. Resolved issue where in some instances image formats weren't being properly recognized
  7. Image upload preview during the image upload process has been added. Supports animated gif! Also made it so it shows up full-screen with a gradient transparancy
  8. Resolved issue where images did not successfully upload when the filenames were too long
  9. Image naming convention has changed from [time][name][extension] to [name][time][extension]
  10. Resolved issue where uploading a semi-transparent webp image would render a black background
  11. Added Pagination system to personal galleries (about time!)
  12. Added ability to organized personal galleries such as most popular, newest, random etc…
  13. Added the new image upload system to personal galleries
    Resolved pagination linking issue under rare circumstances for club galleries
  14. Resolved issue where if an image was considered NSFW inside a SFW album, it would still show. (however the system should automatically flag the album as NSFW but it's a fallback).
  15. Resolved issue where pagination (next page / previous page) did not work for clubs. Originally it worked but somehow broke. It works now.
  16. Resolved issue where next page / previous page would not load any images for club galleries.
  17. When adding an image to an album, the album you're already in is automatically selected, however this can be changed if you like.


  1. Added support for new image upload features


What's coming next?

I need to take care of other things for the rest of the week so I won't be able to put much time into updating the site. Next I will need to permit stickers and kaomoji to be inserted in posts (de-ja-vu!) and then focus on the education section because it is horrendous in its current state. If you're new here, there was a big design change to the site and the education section is on life support trying really hard to make sense of the new system lol. It will take a lot of elbow grease but it will be a big change. Take a look at it right now and memorize how awful it is. Then next week you can watch how it becomes much, much better!

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