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Jappleng 2.0 Release Date and List of Changes - Jappleng Forums
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Jappleng 2.0 Release Date and List of Changes
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Retro Heart Jappleng 2.0 Release Date and List of Changes
Posted 904 days ago... Menu Button
Soon Jappleng will be seeing major changes, it may be as early as the end of next week (First week of November) or the second week at the latest. The changes are significant and are an accumulation of community feedback and what I believe is going to be real fun.

New Logos
Each section has its own logo and each logo has been revised. Below is a list of Old logos vs New. Most logos are included.

Entirely New Design
Every nook and cranny of Jappleng has been redesigned which also provides an entirely new feeling to using the website. The preview of the new site would require a lot of screenshots and some portions are still incomplete as of writing this post. However, it is safe to say that it looks phenomenally much better and refined, and navigating through the website is no longer a confusing mess.

Support is included for 4K, 2K, HD, and mobile devices. Non-HD monitors will default to mobile.

Navigation Bar 2.0
The new navigation bar (found at the top of the site) is easier to understand, has immediate access to the Chat, search, and Notifications and there is now a quick slot menu which you can customize what pages go there (up to 5). You can extend or retract this and the setting is saved wherever you browse so you can keep it open or open it whenever you feel like it. Clicking on your avatar will bring up Dashboard 2.0 which will soon be explained.

The new search bar contains search suggestions based on what you are typing and what results may be found. Your level is always shown next to your avatar as well as your online status around it.

Dashboard 2.0
The old Dashboard is gone. You won't be able to access it via the /dashboard url as it has been replaced with a full-screen overlay. It dramatically changes the feel and usability of the website. In the new Dashboard you have immediate access to all of the Jappleng currencies you've collected, your level, XP, progression and quick links to different sections using a netflix-style menu.

The new Dashboard also has a TV at the top-right which is currently using your avatar as a placeholder for future use, however it is possible to replace it with an embed of a twitch stream, youtube video, your photo gallery as a slideshow, etc...

With addition to this, you can change your online status to Available, Away, Busy (DND), Offline (Invisible). Your friend list is located on the right panel which gives you quick access to see who's online and who's not. Being invisible will make you appear offline to others but you'll still be able to communicate with people as you would expect. Clicking on a user will permit you to perform various actions as well including DMing them.

There are embedded features from within the new dashboard such as the new IMChat is part of this overlay, notifications, the Calendar and events system, games and possibly more in the future.

Calendar and Events 2.0
The new calendar and events system is included as part of Dashboard 2.0. The layout is no longer like Outlook meaning you can understand what is going on a lot better. The calendar follows you on the drawer menu (right menu) found on the main site wherever you go that may require it. Meaning you do not need to open Dashboard 2.0 every time you want to see your calendar.

J-Spot Revised
Every part of J-Spot has been revised which means it looks better, feels better and works better. The bugs that plagued it is gone including the oddities of posts loading incorrectly. It has been polished to where it works the way it should.

  • All J-Spot features that were labeled as "Coming soon" has been completed.
  • All issues relating to the user gallery has been resolved
  • All issues regarding posting and replying to threads has been resolved
  • All view count, reply count, etc... has been resolved
  • All issues relating to posts not loading or infinitely loading incorrectly has been resolved
  • All display related issues has been resolved
  • New features added which will soon be explained.

Jappleng Editor 2.0
The visual editor has been remade from scratch and is now a beautifully functioning editor. Presently I have not encountered any publishing bugs unlike the current editor. The new editor also allows embedding Twitch streams, youtube videos, images and converts them automatically form the URL.

The parser works as it should and no longer displays broken HTML under certain conditions. Tagging people has been removed to prevent abuse and topic tags are no longer a thing because the Jappleng search engine figures it all out on its own. A bigger list of Kaomoji has been added.

Embedding stickers is now a thing too!

New Feature: Stickers
Currently, the sticker album is just for collection but what if I were to say you could use those stickers in your posts? Yes, in this update you will be able to use the stickers you unlock in new threads, replies, and in the Chat. Once you unlock a sticker, you can keep using it forever!

To unlock new stickers you will either need to purchase them in the [Market · Unlockables] or complete an achievement task. Some stickers are event-specific. Make sure you collect your J-Coins by posting around the site and being active. Some stickers use J-Coins, some use event specific currency.

What do they do other than look nice? When you embed a sticker, it will randomize what happens when you click on it. Each sticker does something different. Some are just quotes, but others serve a more practical purpose like the magic 8-ball or dice. The result is always the same after publishing and is randomized once published.

New Feature: Avatar Covers
Avatar covers are glamour for your avatar. They are a border of different colors or animations. They are available in the [Market · Unlockables], event rewards and by completing Achievement tasks.

New Feature: Banner Covers
Banner covers are meant to be used for the friend list and participant lists. They are backgrounds where your username is displayed and your online status if available. They may be unlocked by the typical methods.

New Feature: Items & Boosters
Unique items and boosters will soon be a thing and is already completed in the Beta build. They provide users with temporary or permanent abilities to gain XP, Coins etc... More information about these will be made available later.

The New IMChat
Jappleng Chat, also known as IMChat will now be available in Dashboard 2.0. Everything about it has been improved and the missing / incomplete features have been implemented.

Because it is now part of Dashboard 2.0, you can have access to your friends list to send them whispers, DMs and a chat invite to the channel you are in, if you have permission to do so. Stickers, stream embedding and other new features have been added. Additionally, chat themes have been added.

New Feature: Chat Themes
You will be able to unlock chat themes where you can change how you view the chat or host the chat by default. For example, a club can unlock a chat theme for their club. Chat themes contain a background which may or may not be animated such as the night sky Chat theme. More details will be revealed at a later time.

New Feature: Block User
You will be able to block certain users from posting on your threads or sending you chat invites. Blocked users also will not be able to bypass any feature and send you e-mail notifications if you have those enabled. Presently blocked users can still have their posts shown, however this will change in the future.

New Feature: Anti-Spam Measures
Jappleng 2.0 has anti-spam features that will reduce or completely eliminate spam in its tracks. It first blocks bad actors from a publicly managed database. If they pass that and they aren't already banned from our system, then there are anti-bot measures put in place in the software itself. Registering an account remains easy but there will be a need to verify the e-mail address. Additionally, all users are limited to how fast they can post new threads and replies. This limit changes based on their reputation level over time. Users that trigger this enough times will automatically be reported to the moderator team for review. Further improvements will be made in the future, however there shouldn't much of an issue.
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Retro Heart
Posted 904 days ago... Menu Button
Jappleng Education Improvements
The entire section has been visually improved, and broken / incomplete features have been completed. The vocabulary tracker is vastly improved making it practical to use. You now have the ability to track your progress with nifty charts and more fun data will come over time such as % of words you know that are verbs, or adjectives etc...

There are new education based features in development, however I do not know if it will be available at the new release. There is much to do for those things to happen. JPLearn! is being completely rewritten and styled differently with new features in mind.

New feature: Bubblekana
Highlighting a word in the education section will permit you to add to vocabulary or look up in the Jappleng dictionary. I talked about this feature for many years, it's finally here.

Club Jappleng Improvements
Visually much better, improved existing features, fixed a lot of bugs, it's no longer possible to abandon a club as you MUST assign someone to take over first. Club Treasury is now a thing, where clubs can use their J-Coins to unlock club features. Donations can also be done to clubs.

Club moderators can now ban users from their club.

Notification system 2.0
The new notification system works differently than the current one. Why? The old one was hard to work with and it was easy to break it. Now, not so much. It looks differently, it works better, and it's no longer broken when inviting users to a chat. There is also a notification list to manage them.

Relationships are in the works and will be available sometime in November. It will be possible to fall in love with other users. Please look forward to it!

Improved Search System
Pagination has been added, all known bugs have been fixed, search suggestions have been added while typing, image search system has been improved, friend search has been fixed, dictionary search has also been fixed for various bugs, and users now appear correctly in normal searches. Grading search results have been improved and is automated to improve over time.

New Feature: Achievements
I spoke about the achievements a few times and yes, it has come! Finally! It was on Jappleng a few years ago but the system was fundamentally broken and so it was removed and now it is back and better than before. A few achievements have been added for the release and expect more achievements to be added over time.

Functional Unlockables
Forum signature, user avatar, name changes etc... Will all be functional and require the user to go through steps to unlock said features. They are straightforward steps such as using J-Coins earned to unlock said feature. The intended purpose is to prevent abuse and also make the site more fun like a game.

Daily Login Rewards
This system worked fine before, but it did get a makeover.

  • Fixed issue where flash card trainer was entirely broken after the last update
  • Intended improvements to be made on all apps after the 2.0 release
  • Kana Pop! is set to have a lot of improvements including unlockables and leaderboards shortly after the 2.0 release

I probably forgot a few things here and there but this is the gist of Jappleng 2.0! It was a lot of work. I hope you will all like these changes! I know I took time off from the project but now is a great time to come back and enjoy yourselves. smile

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